Sunday, October 27, 2013

Harry Potter's House

(This picture taken from the web)

Germany never ceases to amaze me... The only thing missing from the beautiful collage of colors in the landscape is water.  It's a bit weird being from an island and now living in a place where the only water you see is the occasional lake and what comes out of the facet.  Visiting castles will also never get old, especially now that I've seen one of the bigger castles Germany has to offer that is full of incredible history and dates back to the 11th century.

The castle, Burg-Hohenzollern, was built in 1061 and stood strong for nearly 400 years until it was destroyed (I'm assuming from flaming, explosive catapult fire balls).  However, it was rebuilt even stronger and better within the next 30 years only to suffer neglect from changing owners during the next 350 years.  Good thing the emperor of Prussia came to save the day and restore this amazing castle with a reconstructed Neo-Gothic style.  We toured only a small portion of what the castle had to offer inside as it is still owned privately; however, we were able to see secret passages, elegant hallways, a beautiful banquet hall, personal chambers, and old collections of diningware, armor, weapons, crowns, jewelry, paintings, portraits, and more!!

The courtyard. 
Beautiful portraits handpainted... Don't tell anyone I took the pictures, no photography allowed ;]

Nice pants.

Amazing landscape.  Farms with sheep herds and other animals were randomly scattered about but can't be seen in these pictures. 

Incredibly intricate and detailed room.  To preserve the floors we had to wear shoe slippers, which you'll see in a photo below. 

Very picture-worthy hallway. 

One of the old bedrooms complete with a mirror, TINY bed (no way I could of fit), and a washing area... aka a bowl and a sponge.  What a gross way to shower...errr...bathe*.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alysa......I made it back to Anchorage after fifteen cities in seven countries in 35 days. Sorry we couldn't meet but I was really moving. Loved the Mercedes Benz Museum in Stuttgart (DO NOT leave Germany without seeing it) and got to Frankfurt to see some of the places you showed on the blog. A place you might like to see is Budingen if you haven't been there already. Said to be the most intact walled city in Germany. And they like frogs.Take a look at my trip if you get time at
    If you look you'll see a photo of Curtis Leinweber and me in Edinburgh.
    Now I have to go see how your team is doing.
