Friday, October 4, 2013

Swedish Escapade

Two of my very good friends who I used to play with in college at UAA are now playing professionally in Norrkoping, Sweden, which is an hour out of Stockholm by train.  To get there, my roommate drove me a half hour to Manneheim, where I boarded a bus that drove nearly 2 hours to a the Frankfurt-Hahn airport in the middle of (what I feel like was) no where.  There, I got on a flight that took nearly 2 hours as well and landed at the Stockholm-Skatsva airport.  Theeeennnn I got on a bus that took me to a train station and finally I got on my last 45 minute train to get to Norrkoping!

Underground area at the train station.
The train to take me to Norrkoping... my first ride on an actual train!  (I know, deprived Alaskan life)

Now I won't lie to you... I can't say I was all too confident that I'd make all my connections and figure my way around in a different country with a completely different language and layout.  

On the train... passing through miles and miles of Swedish farmland.
Train station in Sweden... it was chillllyyyy!!!
After watching Hanna and Tamar's team dominate their opponent on the court, we headed to downtown Norrkoping for "Culture Night" where music was playing all over in different little nooks and crannies of the city.

You hear about water-ways running through Venice, but never did I think I'd see something like this in Sweden!  Pretty sweet.

Swedes love their candy!!!
View from atop a small hill... Sweden seemed a lot like Alaska... just missing the mountains.
Mis amigas :)  Nothing has changed in over a year!

Love these girls!

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