Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Population of Germany = 80 million
Population of Kodiak, Alaska = 10,000
Odds of running into someone from Kodiak in Germany = Slim to none

...But did I?  YES!!!!...

My roommate and I are walking up the most random little alleyway in Heidelberg after enjoying some delicious gelato when we hear some people walking along the main road talking in English.  My roommate turns to the closest of the group and asks "Are you from the States?"

"Yeah, we're from Alaska!"

"No way, what part? So is she!"  *proceeds to point to me*

"Eagle River." Says one lady, "And he's from Kodiak." *points to the guy in front of her*

Wait, whaaaatttt???? *noise of a car breaking*

After some discussion we came to the conclusion that we know similar people and they knew of me.  Is this world really THAT small?!  I'm still in shock.  I haven't run into a single person from the states before them and they were from MY hometown!  I think the one guy might have been Coast Guard though, so maybe not from my hometown persay, but they were flying thatta way the next morning.  Should of wrote my family a note and signed it!  That would of been hillllarious.

Aside from random run-ins...the Internet has been down in our apartment for the past few days and I thought I was going to go loco.  I usually head across the street and down a few blocks to the mall where there's a Starbucks with Internet, but guess what... they decided to do construction this week and now the Internet is out there too.  Man oh man.  First world problems?  But hey, we've got a nice little box now from our Coach and so I'm getting in some quality world wide web time before heading off to Sweden on Friday to see two of my good buddies, Hanna Johannson and Tamar Gruwell!

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