Sunday, September 22, 2013

The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.

I'll be honest with you, one of my favorite things in life is proving people wrong.  And let me tell you, there have been some doubters downing the hater-ade for our team this year.  Yes, we're a scrappy little crew who..until we hit the wouldn't think had a shot at contending for something bigger.  But with so many things in life, you really can't judge a book by it's cover and you certainly can't allow aesthetics or any other type of flashy hype to be the sole reason for trusting that something or someone is "better".  

Let me get you up to speed on what's been going on over here:
  • We had a funded dinner at the Time's Cafe, who is the sponsor who is conveniently on our hiney's as you can see in the picture below. 
  • During this dinner, our President (on the right) gave a speech about how we weren't going to be as good this year since (the team) lost a considerable amount of talent from the past year and that we're going to lose some games but hey, we're still going to go out there and have fun.... Huh??? Not exactly what I was expecting the "boss" to say about his team.
  • A few days later, the coach of USC-Heidelberg (the team we were set to play as our opening game) is quoted in the paper saying that we're not the team we were and it should be an easy 20 point win for them.

I'm way too competitive to stand around and hear all this nonsense, so by gameday on Saturday I was hyped and ready to prove people wrong about our team... I really didn't care too much about coming out in my first pro-game and doing well for me, even though in the back of my mind I knew that I needed to have a good performance (because I'm being paid to do so).  

Breaking down the game: 
  • The first quarter we hit the court like we were shot out of a cannon: pushing the ball, working together as a unit, playing relentless and aggressive defense... this built us a 14 point lead.
  • In the second quarter the other team decided okay these girls are for real we better step our defense, so they did and we committed a couple turnovers, started trying to go one on one a bit more, and let their defense rattle us offensively.  Our defense still held them to 15 points that quarter (they scored 14 in the first), but we went dry from the field for a bit and let them close in by 4 at the half.
  • After a brief halftime break to get our heads straight, we came out in the 3rd going back to how we needed to play offensively and were earning each bucket.  We ended this quarter neck and neck... in fact they might of even been up a point or two.
  • The fourth quarter is where the true test came.  Both teams were tired, the pace of the game was fast (how we wanted it) and the physicality is a lot different over here... needless to say I felt at times I was playing football not basketball and even got two hand shoved going up for a basket from a girl who looked like she ate babies and nails for breakfast (I still bounced up and gave her the stank eye though =p).  Anyway, the tougher team would prevail... and by controlling the boards and sticking to our guns and tough defense we grinded out the game and ended up with a 6 point victory!! 
  • Moral of the story: keep your words sweet because you never know when you're going to have to eat them. 

This is a great start and I'm proud of my team.  However, we have a long road ahead!!  Stay tuned :]

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