Wednesday, September 4, 2013

V for Weinheim (V-een-hyme)

It has been a beautiful week here in Germany with temperatures still up in the 70's.  Can't say I can complain about that.  Since we practice when I would normally be puttin' on my PJ's (8:30pm) in the U.S. (okay, okay not that early), we have the entire day open with nothing to do.  For those of you who know me pretty well, that's going to drive me nuts!!

So mostly to fill the time I've been exploring with my roommates.  Today we took the train to Weinheim, which no does not have a W sound but a V sound (all W's are V's here).  Since a picture says a thousand words, I'll let them do the talking!

P.S. dad I walked past a Victrionox shop and thought of you!

Gelllaaaatttoooo... Yummy, yummy, yummy.  These little shops are everywhere and it seems like every other person is eating gelato in a tall waffle cone.

The perfect shot: Hard to tell in a photo, but peeking out of the bushes/trees in the background are the ruins of a castle.  You can see the tower on the left and the main part of it on the right. 

The medieval home.  This type of architecture is very common here, just like back in the day!  I'm sure it's very expensive for maintenance on these homes.  No sign of Princess Feona yet..or Shrek.

Check out this neighborhood!! This was going down just one of many side streets.  On the left we have an old synagog turned homes.  Could you imagine living here?!

Water running right next to the homes!

My bro will appreciate this because he's renovating his own home right now, but check out the woodwork on this "garage".  Not to mention the bricks plastered together with something in between mud and cement.  Sheesh.

A watch tower that would be sitting on one of four corners of the city (with walls running between back in the day).  Notice if you will the little box on the top left... that's the bathroom!! Wouldn't want to be standing below that.

Chicken on steroids.  Only a tad cooler than a blue heron. 

Not a bad place to live!  Mom don't even think about it.

Watchtower, castle, fountain, and two bball players!

One of the main buildings in town.

Heading into the town church... wouldn't wanted to have been the guy in charge of bulletin boards back then.  But seriously, this message is older than America.

Inside the church.

Standing in the center, looking towards the alter.  Check out the gold writing that goes all the way around the arch... Wish I knew what it said.

Looking from the center to the sides.

Largest organ I've ever seen, it must sound amazing.

WWI memorial.

The names of the fallen.

The gym the team works out at, aka "Globo-gym".  I'm not a huge fan of it... just give me one weight and an empty space and I'm good to go... Who just kicks it and watches TV in the middle of a workout anyway?! 

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