Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sitting Here Half in Nice Clothes, Half in Sweats Wondering if I Got Stood Up


So I'm sitting here very presentable from the waist up at 6:30am Thursday morning in Germany, wondering why on earth I haven't gotten a call on Skype to present my internship... Suddenly, I realize that I'm 10 hours AHEAD and that it's only Wednesday night in Alaska and presentations are Thursday night.  NICE Alysa, reaaaal nice going.  Where's Jordan Martin when I need her? She wouldn't have let me make this el stupido mistake!

I think this means it's time to go for an early morning run and get the GIANT cup of coffee I drank at 5:30am out of my system.  Hopefully I don't get caught in a torrential downpour because it tends to do that here and the clouds look ominous.  In fact, last night during practice there were purple flashes in the sky from lightening and rain pounding on the roof so hard that I could barely hear my coach talking.  Not like that was a big deal since 80% of the time he is talking in German.

But hey, German word of the day since it's so fun to say = FlΓΌgel (floo-gull)
It means guard.. so when I hear that I know I'm going to play at the 3 position, yay!  Fun times.  But really, I do like playing the guard :)

Okay good morning, time to go run off my foolishness... good night America!

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