Thursday, November 21, 2013

So You Want to Learn German... But Are Super Cheap

There are secrets to being cheap.  For instance, when the shampoo bottle is running low you throw in some water and shake it up to make that thing last a few more days or you reuse a pickle jar as a container for some random item like sugar.  No? Don't have these problems?  Maybe I'm just carrying over my college days into my semi-broke professional basketball playing days; nonetheless, when you're too cheap to buy Rosetta Stone you have to improvise.  Sticky notes and magazines have been effective so far.

Putting sticky notes around the house on their respective object has been handy for learning household items.  Here we have our highly awesome and decorated refrigerator (der Kuhlschrank).

One of my mini projects to pass the time and learn the language faster is to cut out words from magazines my roommate brings me from her work.  Some of the words on the wall aren't common, but handy nonetheless.  For example, "gefahrlich" means dangerous or risky... and since my vocab is basic enough that I can say "I am" (Ich bin)... I can now say "I am dangerous" or Ich bin gefahrlich.  And now you can too!  Other random words on the wall include schnauze (nose, snout), stricken (to knit), sofort (immediately, right away), nerven (to get on one's nerves), and gesindel (riff raff).

Also a somewhat productive use of my time is watching cartoons in German on our piece of shiza TV.  Spongebob Squarepants (here it's Spongebob Schwannkopf) has been a favorite and I almost have the theme song down.  Yes I know what you're thinking... I'm becoming an 8 year old German child.  It also doesn't help that I choose to watch Bill Nye the Science Guy on my computer sometimes as well.  Just have to keep that elementary school knowledge fresh!  :]

Final note:  Some proof that I don't exaggerate when it comes to stupid things on the court that happen over here!  This one makes me laugh.  (That's the coach of the opposing team)

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