Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The First Post of the First Day

Two words: flip flopped.

At 9pm Anchorage, AK time my plane to Frankfurt is preparing to take off for it's 10 hour journey where we would arrive at 5pm German time.  So I suppose German time isn't completely flip flopped to Alaska time, but it is darn well close.

My expedition started with one of the flight attendants asking me something in German and I thought to myself "What?? We haven't even left Alaska and already I'm confused." Turns out she wanted me to switch seats with these three people who wanted to occupy my entire empty row.  The trade was good news for me because I got to sit in a two seated exit row by myself and catch some still uncomfortable, yet a little more comfortable, Z's on the flight.

The flight ended up not being too bad.. They even fed me some weird packaged rye bread that my dad - the rye bread fanatic - probably would of liked but I thought tasted and looked like something you would smoosh together and feed a bird.  Any who, we eventually landed in Frankfurt and the first thing I noticed were the awesome little white houses with red roofs... they're everywhere in cute little neighborhoods.  My American teammate/roommate picked me up in our beater little car that's from the 1980's and looks hilarious as well as reminds me of something they would of drove in the Breakfast Club.  There will be pictures to come.

A few hours later I was hitting the court with my new team and listening to the Assistant Coach talk completely in gibberish, I mean German*.  Good thing all the players know English because they translated to my other ignorant American teammate and I.  Side note, there are three Americans, but one is technically a German because of her ancestry so she knows the language really well.

It was surprisingly good to scrimmage a bit and get the legs moving as well as meet all my teammates, learn some plays, and of course miss some left handed lay-ups..nice.  On Saturday, our first pre-season games begin.  And yes, I said games.. we play THREE in one day.  Are you kidding me?!  Someone is going to be wheeling me out of there because I'm already tired thinking about it... hopefully I'll get over the jet lag before then.

Anyway I'm feeling like now is a good time to get some sleep in a real bed and if none of this made any sense blame the fact that my body thinks it's 2pm, when really it's 12am!  On that note, good night!

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