Saturday, August 31, 2013

Spalding, I Don't Think We're In America Anymore

So not a big deal but... Europeans changed the rules of basketball!! What would John Naismith have to say about this.  For you basketball junkies let me break it down on what is NOT okay in Europe:

  1. Pass the ball into the backcourt from a sideline inbounds.
  2. Don't even think about clapping at someone to distract them (while you're on the floor) if they're about to shoot... it's considered rude, which officially makes me a jerk because I did it a couple times before knowing, whoops.  ALSO it's a technical! (And I'd have to pay my coach for those, which considering my not so substantial pay check is a big deal, yet I'm sure he wouldn't mind.)
  3. This one is difficult to explain if you don't play the game... but, when taking your first step from triple threat (say when driving to the hoop from the perimeter) it cannot be open, you must cross your legs.. and no not in like a courtesy.. but sort of like to protect the ball with your body.  If you do chose to make this maneuver, you must dribble FIRST.. aka this means throwing it on the floor way before I want to! 

What you CAN do:

  1. Apparently foul the shiza out of people in the post and it be okay, but touch them with your finger nail on the perimeter and you're going to hear a whistle.
  2. Take three steps on a post move or lay-up.  Side note* while playing I was thinking "hey these refs aren't too bad but they SUCK at calling travels!!" Turns out it was just me being an American.
  3. Practice with earrings, bling bliiing!
Now you might be wondering how the games went, to keep it brief we lost the first, won the second, lost the third, and won the fourth.  In the first game I thought my chest was going to burst and/or that I was going to pass out (thanks jet lag)... luckily for me I think I ran that out of my system because the next three games weren't so bad.  

Tomorrow we have one game.. and then I'm going to eat some delicious German food, auf geht's!!!! Aka, "let's go", my German phrase of the day.

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